Wednesday 11 June 2014

Fruit syrup (goes well with lot of fruits especially WATERY fruits like grapes, berries, orange)

Hi friends ,
               How are you all? am great. aal izz well ... god is taking great care of all of us...
 now I made this blackberry fruit syrup for the first time and wow it got finished in just a few moments and literlly everyone were having a lick at the end. it's really finger licking good and whats even better... ITS SO SO EASY...

  • FRUIT (ANY FRUIT ) ............  1 CUP
  • SUGAR                        ............  to taste (I prefer 2 tbsp or a little more )
  • WATER                        ............  1/4 CUP or a little more if you want a runny consistency
  • LEMON JUICE            ............  1tsp(optional)


  • Add the fruit,sugar, water in a pot and stir them in high flame until sugar dissolves.
  • Now simmer the flame and keep it on for 5 mins, occasionally stirring.
  • Add the lemon juice and stir for another minute.
  • Now again raise the flame to high for 10 seconds and turn if off.
  • Strain the syrup by passing through a sieve.
  • Cool it.
  • Tasty finger licking syrup is ready :):):)

               BEST HAD WITH ICE CREAM :)


Monday 2 June 2014


Hi friends,
            am back.  It was my birthday a few days back and my mother made this all time favourite dish of mine :):):). MILK POLI 

I'll share the recipe with you all so you can all enjoy what I've been doing all these years :):):)
This dish has got 2 parts :

  • the poli
  • flavoured milk.


       FOR POLI:

  • ALL PURPOSE FLOUR ................ 1 cup
  • SEMOLINA                    ................ 3 tsp
  • SALT                               ...............  1/4 tsp
  • WATER                           ...............  enough to make dough
  • OIL                                  ...............  enough to fry.


  • MILK                   .......................... 1 litre
  • SUGAR                ..........................  as you wish :) :) I PREFER LOT :)
  • CARDAMOM     ........................... just for flavour so use as much or little you want/ it can be                                                                   replaced with any other flavouring agent
  • SAFFRON           .......................... a pinch


       MILK :    

  • Let the milk boil well until it condenses to thick consistency... the thicker the milk the better the taste.
  • Drop a few strands of saffron in warm water for it to let its colour out and then mix it with the boiling milk (enjoy the colour change... its totally natural)
  • Powder the cardamom and add it to milk.
  • Also add the sugar and mix well.
  • Let the milk simmer.


  • Mix flour, semolina, salt together.
  • Semolina is to give more depth to the dough.
  • Add enough water to make the dough not to thick not too runny.
  • Cover it with a cloth and let it rest for 10-15 mins.
  • Now roll them into small pieces.
  • Roll those small pieces of dough into flat circular polis.
  • Now fold the circle into half.
  • Now add oil to a pot kept in stove and let it boil.
  • Now fry the poli just until they're golden brown.
  • Add the fried poli into simmering milk.
  • Repeat this for all polis and see that there is enough milk for all polis
  • Let polis soak for atleast 30mins.
  • Now they're ready to serve :):):)

Saturday 24 May 2014

Hairfall arrest pack

Hi friends,
How are you all? Hope aal izz well :-) am fine too .
I've come up with a pack that arrests hairfall almost instantly, in a single wash.
Yes, its for real and totally natural with ingredients from kitchen :-).

INGREDIENTS  (for shoulder length hair) :

  • beetroot                  ......................  1/2 a beetroot
  • orange pulp             .......................  1/2 an orange
  • cucumber                .......................  3-4 thick slices
  • fenugreek seeds       .......................  3 teaspoons
  • gram flour(besan)     .......................  3 teaspoons
  • green gram flour       ........................ 3 teaspoons
  • egg white                 ........................  1.


  • (not mandatory) wet your scalp with warm water to open the pores to let the pack really work wonders through the scalp.
  • Grind the fenugreek seeds to fine powder if not a bit coarse. (it doesn't matter)
  • Now, add all the other ingredients except egg white in any order and blend them into a good even paste.
  • Lastly, tranfer them into a bowl and add the egg white and mix it well.
  • Apply this evenly on your scalp and hair, from the roots to the tip.
  • Best results if you can wrap your head with a warm towel and let it rest for 20-30 mins.
  • Rinse off the pack with a mild shampoo and lukewarm water.
  • Enjoy beautiful healthy hair.

Thursday 22 May 2014

hairfall solution :):):)

Hi Friends,
            How is everyone :)
              Aal Izz Well... God is taking good care of all of us. so throw your worries , sit back , relax and let god take control ... also read my blog :-p

I've been having hairfall... like i was worried i would go bald in a few days...
 i've tried literally every shampoo and oil that read anti hairfall but in vain...
          when i had lost all hope and was in despair did i find
  now why did i put it in pink and made it so large... i'll come to it later...

   How does it look?

this is 110ml very cute and easy to handle 
pretty tight lid so need not worry about it spilling out

How does shampoo look?

crystal clear liquid :):) you can even see through the liquid the lines of my palm, can't you :)
 it also has wonderful fragrance... fruity fragrance...

now lets see what the product proposes to do :)


  • henna extract
  • ginseng extract
  • capsicum extract plus other natural botanical extracts
it claims that its herbally prepared.

Method of use:

  • wet hair
  • lather and rinse thoroughly.

What does the shampoo do?

controls hair loss,provides nutrition and strengthens hair shafts. also helps to improve texture and adds volume to hair.

Now what does this shampoo actually do?

the PRO'S first...
  • awesome fragrance,heavenly.
  • lathers so well.
  • wipes your head clean from last bit of dirt and oil and makes your head feel light.
  • very very easy to wash shampoo from your hair
  • adds volume for sure
  • makes hair softer
Regarding hairfall, now this shampoo does offer something. firstly, our hair is not like our skin. it doesn't show effects immediately, be it good or bad. so for my hair to adjust to this, its gonna take 2 to 4 weeks or more.
Nevertheless, it still arrested hairfall to an extent in the first wash, so am sure its gonna completely stop in a few weeks... also hairfall isn't just about the shampoo ,its also about what you eat, so ive topped my diet with spinach, seafood, walnuts, lot of iron stuff. also loads of positivity :):)


  • completely wipes off oil so makes scalp a little dry so I wouldn't recommend this to dry scalp people...
  • not completely natural but it's ok we don't really get those kind much... this is pretty close...
now getting back to why i wrote the name in pink... its because of the fruity flowery fragrance that keeps lingering ... its very girly so the colour pink :-p:-p


110ml is 95Rs.


 pretty good product, good fragrance that keeps lingering, controls hairfall to an extent, easy to wash, not messy, 
             and I'll definitely recommend this to people with oily scalp and the rest I can't guarantee results.

Thats it for now... I'll catch you with another product later :) 
be happy ... keep smiling :):):)


Saturday 3 May 2014

earn money taking up simple surveys friends

try this friends... truly truly works
no harm in trying something for free isn't it?

Monday 28 April 2014

Bake without an Oven

Hi friends,
             long time since I last logged in ... reason being my book... yes I'm planning to get a book written... will fill you in with details slowly in a while...
              I am planning to make this blog more of food oriented...
              and I just quit my job with this superb IT company because guess what... that wasn't my cup of tea after all... now full time staying at home and gonna take up this blog serious finally following my passion :):):)

 Now I thought why waste time and post you a good recipe that you can all try ...
           let's start from the basics,
how to bake a cake without an oven :-p
     yes its possible and I do it all the time since I was like 10 years with my mother :):)
           the recipe for baking a cake ... I think you must all be knowing it...
the aim of this post is to help the people who don't have an oven to bake a cake
so find yourselves a good recipe somewhere online
and follow me

take a pressure cooker (which I use) but you can also use any vessel thats steep...
fill quarter of it with sand... dry sand ...
now close it with a lid and let the sand get heated up for 10mins...
now dare not touch the sand coz its gonna be REALLY REALLY HOT
now place the batter into a vessel...probably a thick coated one so that it cooks slowly thru and thru and not just gives you a dark burnt crust with the batter still runny...
now close the vessel with a plate or something and let it cook
I can't give you an exact time but let it bake until your house fills with lovely aroma and calls you with it
now you got to open the lid and take a knife and poke your cake thru till the base and take it out
when knife comes out clean it means the cake has cooked through all the way... and also means you can remove it and decorate it with whatever you need and feed your taste buds with yum yum cake ...